ARTS in San Francisco
The annual Capri motel rug and textile event got off to a good start on a gorgeous San Francisco autumn day with almost 150 paid guests turning up for the opening reception. As in previous years the show, which included a handful of new exhibitors replacing some of the older hands who couldn’t attend this year for various personal reasons, lacked nothing in terms of the quality and variety of the material on offer, much of it at realistically accessible prices.
If only the Capri offered a slightly better opportunity to display material – one commentator described the situation as ” the environment diminishes the Art”; often making great rugs and textiles look less than they really are. Too soon to tell how good business is this year, but there was certainly plenty of talk, many promises to return before Sunday, and a generally lively atmosphere, although no sense of major business being done. More images will be uploaded over the weekend. DS

The dealers and visitors from the opening of ARTS at the Capri Motel in San Francisco
60 images
A selection of some of the rugs and textiles offered by the 40 international dealers at the Capri
- Qashqa’i rug, southwest Persia, 19th century, Mark Santos, Portland
- Frank Ames appreciates an Indian Sindh embroidered shawl with Owen Parry, Wales
- East Anatolian kilim, Mark Berkovitch, Israel
- Californian collector Harry Greenburg talks to Mark Berkovitch
- Thomas Murray with Alan Rothblatt and friend
- Nim suzani, Tashkent (?), Uzbekistan, 19th century Ali Aydin
- A Saryk (?) Turkmen kapunuk, 19th century, and a green ground Caucasian fragmnet. Ali Aydin, Istanbul
- London-based dealer, James Cohen, shows a rare bird Baluch balisht standing in front of a spectacualr Shahrisyabz Uzbek suzani
- Afshar rug, southwest Persia, 19th century, Mark Santos, Portland
- Beshir Turkman prayer rug fragmnet, 19th century. Fred Hazin, CA
- Californian dealer Fred Hazin’s fragmnet of a Bukhara large medallion suzani
- Mette Mutlu with his Afshar rug
- Classical Persian fragments josstle with northwest Persian bagfaces in Michigan dealer Patrick Pouler’s room
- A pair of Saryk Turkmen chuvals, 19th century. Sam Coad, Bristol, UK
- Bergama koran bag, west Anatolian, 19th century. Peter Pap, CA
- Exceptional Qashqa’i bag face, southwest Persia, 19th century.Peter Pap, CA
- Green ground Tekke chyrpy, 19th century, Andy Lloyd, Bath, UK
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