Win free tickets for HALI readers to BRAFA Fair and Art Talks
The annual Brussels Art Fair (BRAFA) from 25 January – 2 February 2014, will premiere a series of ‘art talks’ every afternoon for the 9 days of the fair. The talk on Friday 31 January is in partnership with HALI and features Yvan Maes De Wit, Director of the Royal Tapestries Manufacturers De Wit, discussing the complex processes involved in antique tapestry conservation.
To mark the initiation of this series, we are pleased to be able to offer ten HALI readers a complimentary pair of tickets, worth €50 each, to attend the fair and any of these fascinating lectures. To win, contact us registering your interest by email to [email protected] or via Facebook by 20 January.

Millefleurs wool and silk tapestry from the Abbey of Herkenrode with the coat of arms of Christine de Lechy. Bruges, 16th century (before 1548). 169 x 390cm. Provenance: E. & I. Pereire collection, Paris. Manufacturers De Wit , Mechelen.
Located at the impressive early 20th century Tour and Taxis venue by the Willebroek canal, (the former depot of the Belgian postal network), BRAFA attracts international visitors who share a common passion for art. Their enthusiasm and curiosity is now to be further satisfied here by the chance to hear from the varied array of historians, dealers, designers, curators, artists and explorers who are scheduled to share their deep collective knowledge and experience.
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