Eye-Catching Kilims at Netherhampton, 10 July 2013
Netherhampton Salerooms’ auction of Carpets, Rugs and Textiles in Salisbury, England on 10 July 2012 includes the the second part of a European private collection of kilims. The first part, which contained some of the more decorative pieces, was included in their 8 December 2011. The present group of 35 pieces is almost all Anatolian, but includes one Kurdish kilim of possible northwest Persian origin and an large fragment of a Caucasian ‘banded’ kilim, exceptionally finely woven and with the most brilliant colours. Of the Turkish pieces, some of the rarest and most distinguished come from Konya and other major central Anatolian weaving areas. There is also an archaic Karapinar kilim with the so-called ‘stepped mihrab’ design and several superbly drawn half-kilims attributed to Aydin.

Lot 1895. Karapinar-Konya kilim, fragment south central Anatolia, second half 18th century, 6ft. x 4ft.2in. 1.82m. x 1.27m. Overall damage and losses. Estimate £4000-6000

Lot 1896. Konya kilim, central Anatolia, first half 18th century, 11ft.3in. x 5ft.2in. 3.43m. x 1.58m. Woven in two uneven sections, joined down centre. Small holes and losses. Estimate £8000-12000

Lot 1897. Hotamis kelim, Konya region, south central Anatolia, late 18th or early 19th century, 9ft.8in. x 4ft.8in. 2.98m. x 1.42m. Small holes and areas of damage overall. Woven in two equal sections joined down centre. Estimate £3000-5000

Lot 1900. Aydin kilim camel cover (detail), west central Anatolia, late 18th century, 12ft.6in. x 5ft.3in. 3.80m. x 1.60m. Woven in two roughly equal sections joined down centre, with slight damage on the central join in places. Estimate £8,000-12,000

Lot 1920. Konya long kilim (detail), central Anatolia, early 19th century, 15ft.8in. x 4ft.7.5in. 4.77m. x 1.70m. Small areas of damage and loss to field, and border. £5000-8000

Lot 2008. Kuba kilim fragment, east Caucasus, second half 19th century, 5ft.10in. x 4ft.8in. 1.78m. x 1.42m. Wear and damage, mainly in centre, bands missing both ends. Estimate £1000-2000
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