Last chance to see ‘Masterworks of Navajo Design’ at the Denver Art Museum
The exhibition Red, White & Bold: Masterworks of Navajo Design, 1840-1870 is coming to an end on 22 September 2013 at the Denver Art Museum. If you are anywhere in Colorado., don’t miss the chance to see a fabulous display of eye-catching textiles created by Navajo weavers in the American Southwest during the classic period in the mid-19th century.
There was an explosion of colour and design elaboration in Navajo weaving from the mid-800s, albeit using a limited palette of colours; red, white and blue. These native American artists created some of the most visually stimulating designs in history, which often delight viewers with their bold use of colour and sophisticated design sensibilities. This exhibition looks in-depth at these masterpieces of design created over a 30 year period from 1840 to 1870, the highpoint of Navajo weaving artistry.
Drawing from the DAM collections, other museums, and private collections, the exhibition presents about 50 of the greatest examples of Navajo design expression, and explores the designer’s eye in pattern development and layout, showing works such as prestige shoulder blankets that enhance the stature and visibility of the wearer.

Red, White & Bold: Masterworks of Navajo Design, 1840-1870. Curated by Nancy Blomberg and John Lukavic

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