Motamedi to show antique rugs and textile art in Hamburg
Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art are holding the ‘Golden Knot Gallery Exhibition’ at Brooktorkai 15, 20457, Hamburg. Coinciding with the Domotex international trade fair in Hanover, a selection of fine antique rugs and textiles from all over the world will be shown from 7-17 January 2014 in the historic warehouse space that the Motamedi gallery has occupied since 1986. A glimpse of details of some of the high quality examples of carpet and textile art that will be on offer are shown here.

Brussels tapestry (detail), 17th/18th century, on view at ‘Golden Knot’ exhibition, Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art, Brooktorkai 15, Hamburg, 7-17 January

Saryk Turkmen tentband (detail), 19th century, on view at ‘Golden Knot’ exhibition, Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art, Brooktorkai 15, Hamburg, 7-17 January

Garrus Bijar sampler (detail), west Persia, 19th century, on view at ‘Golden Knot’ exhibition, Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art, Brooktorkai 15, Hamburg, 7-17 January

Wool and silk Esfahan rug (detail), 20th century, on view at ‘Golden Knot’ exhibition, Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art, Brooktorkai 15, Hamburg, 7-17 January

Mughal indian silk velvet panel (detail), 17th century, on view at ‘Golden Knot’ exhibition, Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art, Brooktorkai 15, Hamburg, 7-17 January

Ottoman silk and precious metal thread kehma panel (detail), 16th/17th century, on view at ‘Golden Knot’ exhibition, Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art, Brooktorkai 15, Hamburg, 7-17 January

Ningxia seat cover (detail), northwest China, 18th century, on view at ‘Golden Knot’ exhibition, Motamedi’s Antique Rugs and Textile Art, Brooktorkai 15, Hamburg, 7-17 January
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