Nagel Auction

Nagel Auction, Stuttgart
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Highlights from the Rugs & Carpets, Textiles & Islamic Art sale, 13 September 2016
- 233 An early Tekke Kapunuk, Turkmenistan, 1st half 19th ct. or earlier, published in Loges 1978, Turkmenische Teppiche, fig. 14. Nagel, 13 September est. €5,000-6,000
- Lot 191, Pair of Tekke Turkmen Asmalyks, Turkmenistan, 19th century, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €3000-/5000
- Lot 139, Pair of Mohtashem prayer rugs, Kashan, Central Persia, circa 1900, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €14,000-/16,000
- Lot 132, Kirman Laver Carpet, SE Persia, circa 1900, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €20,000-30,000
- Lot 165, A large Greek island silk and metal thread embroidered textile 19th century. Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €2000-/3000.
- Lot 193, Prayer rug, Souther Caucasus, 19th century, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €600-/800
- Lot 248, Konya rug, Central Anatolia, 19th century, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €1500-/1800
- Lot 192, Kurdish long rug, North West Persia, Azerbaijan, circa 1800, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €18,000-/20,000
- Lot 269, Ersari Torba, Amu-Darya region, late 19th century, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €300-/400
- Lot 159, Toussounian silk rug with metal and silk brocade, Istanbul, Turkey, early 20th century, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €1800-/2000
- Lot 147, Qashga’i ‘Millefleurs’ prayer rug, SW Persia, circa 1900, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €12,000-/14,000
- Lot 104, Silk rug with metal brocade, China, Xinjiang, 19th century, Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €8000-/12,000
- Lot 101, An antique metal brocaded silk rug, China, Xinjiang. Nagel September 13 2016, est. €5000-/7500.
- Lot 184, A genuine tribal Uzbek felt carpet/ hanging, central Asia, 1900 circa, felted background made of undyed white and brown wool with polychrome wool embroidery. Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €1500-/1800.
- Lot 148, A rare Qashqa’i Kashkuli rug with unusual design, South Persia, late 19th century. Nagel 13 september 2016, est. €6000-/8000
- Lot 100, A fragment of a large Cairene Carpet, Egypt, 16th century. Nagel 13 September 2016, est. €2000-/3000
Whether we can attribute the high quality of Nagel’s September sale exclusively to the return of the much-liked and well-known carpet expert Kat Mäckle is unclear but what is clear is that the Stuttgart auctioneers are set to enjoy a successful sale in a few days time. A browse through the catalogue suggests a number of sleepers within the 339 carpets and textiles offered. There are a high number of quality lots from private collections, many of which in excellent condition and priced to invite plenty of bidding activity.
The sale starts with a strong selection of Chinese and Xinjiang region carpets from a number of collections, including several silk and metal thread carpets of the type favoured by the Imperial household to furnish the Forbidden Palace, soon followed by a collection of Greek island textiles. Interestingly though there are a number of good Persian revival period carpets from private sources such as a pair of Kashan Mohtashem rugs (lot 139), through to an equally fine Kerman ‘leaders of the world’ carpet onto a beautifully drawn and proportioned millefleurs design Qashqa’i prayer carpet. The largest collection represented though is that of the collector Moritz Hillebrand, whose broad interest in ethnographic weaving eventually settled on the rugs of Afghanistan and Central Asia. The rugs and bags offered come with his handwritten labels with structural analyses and notes, and include a number of much desired torbas at unprecedented prices–many of which are purposefully not posted here so as to allow readers the fun of the chase. To see the online catalogue click here
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