R.I.P. Paul Nels (1922-2014)
It is with the greatest sadness that we report the passing over the Easter weekend of Paul Nels, the doyen of the London Oriental carpet trade, at the age of 92.
Involved to the last, Paul was a great character, a true Old World gentleman and bon viveur, generous to a fault, fluent in a fistful of languages–one of the last of his breed. He will be fondly and gratefully remembered by generations of younger friends and colleagues in the rug business and beyond. He is survived by his wife Ursula (Uschi) and daughter, Paula.
Paul will be cremated in the West Chapel at Golders Green Crematorium, on Thursday May 1st at 4 p.m., and remembered afterwards by family and friends in the only way that he would have wanted at Hotel Unique, 911 Finchley Road, London NW11 (near Golders Green Tube and next to The Refectory Pub, look for a grey metal door). The family have respectfully requested no flowers, but should anyone wish to make a donation, it could be to Médecins Sans Frontières or to a charity of their choice

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