Sotheby’s, Rugs & Carpets, London, 1 November 2016
Sotheby’s dedicated autumn sale of 155 carpet lots, the second since the auctioneer’s return to specialist rug sales in the Bond Street rooms, is strong on Chinese and East Turkestan pieces and also includes a small Ushak Lotto, a 17th-century Esfahan, a Type-C Star Kazak, a Mohtashem Kashan and a signed Zareh Kum Kapı prayer rug. There are numerous fine silk carpets in the sale, among them the bulk of the consignment of two dozen carpets from the Abdi Roubeni Collection. Estimates are generally realistic, even low in some instances, and a significant number of the more collectable pieces are being sold to benefit a charitable foundation.

Lot 3. Type-C Star Kazak rug, southwest Caucasus, 19th century. 154 x 217cm. Estimate £18,000–25,000

Lot 20. Ushak Lotto rug, west Anatolia, late 16th/early 17th century. 124 x 177 cm. Estimate £15,000–25,000

Lott 88. Ersari rug, Middle Amu Darya region, second half 19th century. 172 x 220 cm. Estimate £5,000–8,000

Lot 95. Signed Zareh Kum Kapı silk and silk brocade prayer rug, Istanbul, ca. 1910. 126 x 179 cm. Estimate £8,000-12,000

Lot 97. West Persian silk rug, possibly Joshagan, early 19th century. 146 x 173 cm. Estimate £40,000-60-000

Lot 117. Camel Hair Farahan rug, west Persia, dated 1311 (1894/5). 130 x 187 cm. Abdi Roubeni Collection. Estimate £15,000-20,000
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