Visit Armenia with HALI

The next HALI Tour visits Armenia in Autumn 2015. Over the course of seven days, 21-27 September, the art, culture and textile history of this Caucasian nation will be revealed through museum visits, unique access to private and public collections and a number of lectures and presentations. Highlights include access to unseen material in the National History Museum, access to the Treasury of Echmiadzin, and the National Library, as well as visit to several private collections. Including an overnight stay in Tblisi, the Georgian capital, the Armenia tour will, though looking at local textile traditions, provide a glimpse of the Caucasus and its pivotal role as a crossroads on east-west and north-south trade routes. To learn more about the itinerary please download the brochure HALI Armenia Tour. For more information please contact Rachel Meek at [email protected]

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