Volkmann-Treffen 2015

The 2015 edition of Volkmann-Treffen will take place on 16–18 October 2015 at the Museum für Islamische Kunst and Kunstgewerbemuseums in Berlin.
This year’s annual gathering, in collaboration with the Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin, focuses on a Safavid carpet with spiral tendrils in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg. One half of this piece has been in the collection since 1967 and a few years ago, the museum had the fortunate opportunity to purchase another significant long lost section. Recently reconciled and restored, the carpet was unveiled on 12 April 2015. Conservator Anna Beselin will speak on the restoration and curator Nora von Achenbach will explain how motifs from Chinese art came to be used in Islamic design. Jon Thompson, Iván Szántó, Reingard Neumann, Razi Miri, Bill Landsberger and Markus Voigt will also speak.
Contact Christian Erber [email protected] for further information.
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