Fowler at UCLA: Ghana Prints
The Fowler Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The collection of over 120,000 examples of world art contains around 20,000 textiles that span two millenia and five continents. To mark the occasion a series of three textile exhibitions is scheduled. The first to open is Fowler in Focus: Yards of Style, African Print Cloths of Ghana, 24 August–14 December 2014.

Clothespins Manufactured by Vlisco, the Netherlands; purchased in Kumasi, Ghana, 2012 Cotton Private Collection; L2014.23.1
It will feature the vibrant, double sided, factory cloths that are ubiquitous throughout Africa. There is an enormous range available in market stalls across the continent. Made in West Africa, China and Holland, they cater to widely varied tastes. Often, diverse imagery such as car keys, cell phones, weapons and celebrities are employed to communicate messages concerning individual and community values.
Two more shows; Textiles of Timor, Island in the Woven Sea and Bearing Witness: Embroidery as History in Post Apartheid South Africa will open in September 2014. Photos by Don Cole.

Electric Fans (also Cooling Fans) Manufactured by Vlisco, the Netherlands; purchased in Kumasi, Ghana, 2012 Cotton X2013.16.22; Museum Purchase

Assorted Print Cloths from Ghana, including a commemorative cloth for the state visit of President and Mrs. Obama, 2009 Manufactured by Akosombo Textiles Limited (ATL), Ghana and GTP, Ghana; purchased in Accra, Ghana, 2012 Cotton

God’s Eye Manufactured by HiTarget, China; purchased in Accra, Ghana, 2012 Cotton X2013.16.9; Museum Purchase

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